COVID-19 Response from Wilson Family Chiropractic
We, at Wilson Family Chiropractic, are continuing to respond to the ever-changing environment around COVID-19 and the safety of our patients, staff and doctors is our highest priority. We understand that new information surrounding the changing landscape of our everyday routines has many feeling concerned.
As we navigate this situation, Wilson Family Chiropractic is relying on guidance from national and local chiropractic associations and healthcare organizations to direct our actions. Many, including the International Chiropractic Association view chiropractic care as an essential healthcare service that can be used by patients with a wide array of health conditions.
As a result, when and where possible, Wilson Family Chiropractic is open, and we remain committed to providing chiropractic care in our local communities. We know that many will continue to have healthcare needs that can be helped through chiropractic care, and we feel a responsibility and commitment to our patients. We are closely monitoring recommendations and protocols established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state and local health departments. We will communicate if our position needs to be modified as the COVID-19 circumstances develop.
We have implemented increased hygiene routines in our office, implemented monitoring and operations protocols and are following clinic procedures outlined by healthcare organizations and leading authorities within the chiropractic profession.
For those patients that have previously scheduled appointments we ask that if you are unable to keep these appointments to call to reschedule. In addition we ask that if you have traveled or have any symptoms, please call to reschedule and stay at home. We want to also protect our office staff and patients. Any fees will be waived if cancelled less than 24 hours.
Patient Support
We recommend patients follow guidelines issued by the CDC, and if you are feeling unwell, please take steps to safeguard others and remain at home. To date, routine hygienic measures are the suggested best practice for prevention of viruses like the coronavirus.
Follow the links below to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19):
Steps to Prevent Illness:
What to do if you are sick:
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:
Follow the links below to the World Health Organization: